Dear Apple II Software Author: Thank you for requesting more information about the NAUGC '90 Apple II CD-ROM Project (hereafter referred to as 'the Project'). Our goal is to produce two CD-ROMs of software: one each for the Apple II and the Macintosh. Because we want the latest bug-free and virus-free (no offense) versions of your software, we are asking you to contribute your software to us, for inclusion in what we hope will be the best set of Apple CD-ROMs ever produced. We, the Apple II CD-ROM Project group, are looking for the best and most useful files and applications for the Apple II computer, in all its incarnations: II, II Plus, IIc, IIe, and IIgs. What categories of software do we want? Any Public Domain, Freeware, or Shareware software is eligible for consideration. In the case of Shareware, we require that the original author give us written permission to include his/her files on the CD-ROM, if such permission is not explicitly stated in the documents which accompany the software. Demostration versions of commercial applications may be eligible for inclusion on the disk, but we have not yet defined a policy on this (as of August 27th). If you are a commercial software producer, please make contact with us at one of the electronic addressess below. ---------- Here are the general categories of the software that we are seeking: AppleWorks Templates, Macros, for all versions of AppleWorks (including GS). Business Templates, Utilities for Business Applications. (Applications other than AppleWorks.) Communications Communications Applications, Macros, Processing Utilities. Development Programming Utilities, Source Code, Apple II Tech Notes. Education Educational Applications. File Utilities Program Selectors, file manipulation utilities. Fonts Fonts, Font Editors. Games Self-explanatory. :) Character Editors, too. Graphics Pictures, Conversion Utilities. Hypermedia Stacks for HyperStudio, Tutor-Tech, or other Apple II hypermedia. Music Song and Instrument Files for Diversi-Tune, Music Construction Set (both IIe and IIgs), Instant Music, etc. Reference Text files of general informational value. (How to Built A Hard Drive, for example.) Sound Digitized sound files for IIgs applications. System Icons, Desk Accessories, Initialization (System.Setup) files. If your application or file isn't described by this list, don't worry. Just tell us what its function is, and we'll find the appropriate category for it, or create a new one. We would prefer that all submissions be in ProDOS format, on 3.5-inch disks, but that isn't absolutely necessary; 5.25-inch disks are acceptable. If the file is for a DOS 3.3 application, you may submit the software on either a DOS 3.3-formatted disk, or you may pack the disk with ShrinkIt, and submit the file on a ProDOS-formatted disk. Only ShrinkIt-packed disks are acceptable; please, do not send any disks packed via DDD or other programs, as we will automatically reject them. Yes, we also welcome DOS 3.3 files: we want something for every Apple II user on this CD-ROM. (By the way: if anyone knows how to contact Bob Bishop, please let us know. We'd like to include his 'Applevision' program on this CD-ROM, if possible. Thanks.) NO DISKS WILL BE RETURNED. Our budget isn't large enough for that expense; but every contributor to this effort will be acknowledged in a special file on the CD-ROM, so this is your chance at relative immortality. :) ---------- Commonly Asked Questions: Q: How do I submit my files? A: Please send a disk copy of your files to the address below, and include a hardcopy of the submission form. Shareware authors: due to recent court decisions, we ask that you specifically state that we will have permission to distribute your software. Q: Who will be receiving these CD-ROMs? A: Each user group that attends the 1990 Conference will receive a copy of both disks. After the Conference, we will sell the undistributed copies to individuals buyers; at this time, we expect to sell the CD-ROMs at a price of $40 each. Q: Where does the money from the sale of the CD-ROMs go? A: All monies received will be used to pay for the 1990 Conference itself. If we have any excess money after our bills are paid, that excess will be applied to the next Conference. We're not in this to make a profit, but to create the best Apple CD-ROMs in existence. Q: Can I get a listing of all the files that will be available on the disk? A: Not while the Project is still in progress. We had considered uploading a text file which contained all the information on the files that we currently had, but the size of such a file, even when compressed, would be too large for all interested parties to download on a regular basis. However, we will upload a complete catalog of the disk when the Project is completed. Q: I've written a newer version of the program that I had first sent to you. Can I get the old version replaced by the new? A: Yes. Send us the new version, tell us what the old version was, and we'll replace the files. We will accept all submissions until our deadline for the pressing of the CD-ROM, which is presently March 1, 1990 (subject to change). Q: The software that I have submitted is Shareware. How should I collect my Shareware fees? A: You should declare your Shareware status in the documents which accompany your file(s), and include your address. The Project will not be responsible for the collection of any fees or donations to the authors of the software on the CD-ROM; that duty is the responsibility of the authors. Q: But I don't have a CD-ROM player! Where can I buy one, cheap? A: We are negotiating with CD-ROM drive manufacturers, with the intention to offer a discounted price on a new CD-ROM drive. Many of the Japanese manufacturers will be introducing new CD-ROM models in the next few months, and we want to present the User Groups that will be attending the Conference, and contributors to our effort, with the opportunity to buy a new drive at a discount. Q: I have a question, but you haven't answered it in this message. A: We'll answer any questions about the Project, if you send e-mail to one of the electronic mail addresses below. Edward Floden, the Co-ordinator of the NAUGC '90 Apple II CD-ROM Project, will answer any questions regarding the Project. He checks his mail every day, and you may expect an answer to your question within a day or two. Q: How do I submit my software to the Project? A: Send your disks to: NAUGC '90 Apple II CD-ROM Project c/o Edward Floden 1865 W. Spring Ridge Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004-1217 And please enclose a copy of the submission form (found at the end of this message). If you have included your online address, we will send you an acknowledgement of our receipt of your disk(s), via e-mail. This is probably the most ambitious attempt ever made to collect, catalog and distribute Public Domain and Shareware software for the Apple II. With your help, we can make this a reality. In advance, thank you for your support of the Apple II CD-ROM Project! Edward Floden Co-ordinator, Apple II CD-ROM Project National Apple User Group Conference '90 / InterChange CompuServe: 73220,1624 | GEnie: E.FLODEN BIX: edward2 | AppleLink PE: EdwardF4 ___________________________________________________________________________ NAUGC '90 APPLE II CD-ROM SOFTWARE SUBMISSION FORM Please fill out a hard copy of this form, and include it with the disk(s) that you send to us. See the notes at the end of the form for further information about the data that we require. Category________________________________________________________ Application Name________________________________________________ File Name_______________________________________________________ File Type_______________________________________________________ Minimum System Requirements_____________________________________ Operating System________________________________________________ Application Required____________________________________________ Description_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ NOTES: Category: See the list in the message above, and choose the major category which describes your application or file. If you are not sure, enter 'Unknown' on this line, and we'll figure it out. Application Name: The name by which we will refer to your application, such as 'Binary Library Utility', or 'Monte Carlo'. File name: If you are submitting an application, please tell us the name of the main application file itself (for example, 'Aplworks.System'). If you are submitting a single file, enter the name of the file itself on this line. File Type: the file type of the main application file, or of the single file itself. Three-letter abbreviations or Hex codes are acceptable (for example 'LBR', or '$E0/$8001'). Minimum System Requirements: Specific the minimum system configuration that is necessary to run your application or load your file. For example, '64K IIe', '48K II Plus', '1.25MB IIgs'. Operating System: The operating system required to run the application, or to access the files. Use 'DOS 3.3', 'ProDOS', 'ProDOS 16', or 'GS/OS'. Also include the minimum version (or the only version, in the case of some IIgs applications) necessary to use the file(s). Application Required: The application with which this file may be used. For example, 'AppleWorks', 'WordPerfect GS', 'Talk Is Cheap'. Description: A brief description of the application or file. You do not need to include any information that already appears in the form. ___________________________________________________________________________ *** END OF FILE ***